About Us…

Welcome To Wits End Farm & Homestead

We enjoy life on our small homestead with all of the animals, our adorable pitty Izzy, our LGD Spencer, our lovable Nigerian Dwarf goats, out friendly turkey, Polly, our handsome bull Bisco and all our chickens! We are a small family farm located in Wild & Wonderful West Virginia!

We are a family-owned and operated farm and are members of the American Dairy Goat Association and the American Goat Society. We raise, breed and sell our registered Nigerian Dwarf goats.

We will soon be breeding our chickens to raise for more hens and roosters. We plan to increase our hens population for egg production and roosters for meat harvesting. We sell eggs locally and will be selling chickens. Stay tuned for that in the future.

If you are looking for custom built farm products, check out our line of custom products. Daryl custom builds hay feeders, milk stands, chicken coops, rabbit hutches and more, specifically for small livestock animals

Please join us on our journey as we continue to learn and grow our homestead together.

“Be safe and be kind!!”

Daryl and Tammy